Sunday, December 26, 2010

Minnesota Gail

December 26, 2010
The day after Christmas, we awoke to a cold home 59 and falling (the furnace failed during the night). Bob cursed a bit & decided to investigate, first checking the propane tank, plenty of fuel there, then the furnace which would not ignite. So out came the telephone book & a call was placed to a heating tech. This call is going to be a bit spendy, especially on a Sunday & it being a holiday weekend. After a bit, Bob could/would not sit still so he went and banged on the furnace. WAH LA .... the furnace lit. The call to the heating tech was cancelled. I will reschedule next week. This is probably a warning of sorts to have the furnace checked. Ok, life is back to normal this chilly Sunday morning (14 degrees outside). Now we can read the newspaper in warmth & start our newest venture this afternoon. Our newest venture is beer brewing, we purchased all the supplies last Sunday and are excited to start our first batch.

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